Monday, August 30, 2010

P90X - Let's Get Started!

Starting something new usually begins with some type of inspiration.  Mine in particular is that the scale has been on a steady incline ever since I graduated from Texas A&M in 2003.  During my time at A&M I was in decent shape from being so active with my roommates playing basketball, tennis, volleyball, disc golf, etc.  When I graduated, I was probably somewhere around 175 lbs.  Fast forward 7 years and I am now hovering around the 200 lbs. mark.  Not terrible, but definitely something I’m not pleased with.  Over the years, I’ve been on some diet “kicks” and I’ve tried a lot of different things with the same end result that I’m not at all proud of – the diet just dwindling away – one “cheat day” turns into a couple of them and then into a week and then it is over.

I am tired of being tired.  I am tired of being overweight.  I am tired of “failing” at an exercise/nutrition regimen.  I am tired of not feeling good about my appearance.  I want to be in tip top shape so that I can live life full of energy and completely enjoy my time with family and friends.  I want to mow the yard with my shirt off and feel good about it.  I want to go to the pool or to the beach and feel good about myself. 

As a result of this, I have decided to start one of the most intense exercise/nutrition programs on the market today – P90X.  For the next 90 days, I am going to fuel my body with the nutrition it needs to be in top condition.  For the next 90 days, I am going to do the P90X workouts which will push me to my limits and beyond them.  I recognize the challenge and I am going to take it head on. 

Overall Goals:
1) Complete the 90 day program
2) Get down to 175 lbs. (lose 25 lbs.)
3) Cut down my body fat from 25% to 20%.

Accountability – that is the main reason that I’ve decided to start this blog to document my journey.  I know in the past, if I just do it on my own with no one else knowing, it has not worked.  So with this blog, I will document my progress for all to see.  Feel free to offer encouraging words along the way!


  1. This is awesome - I'm totally going to mooch of your motivation, so get 'er done and know I'm pulling with you.

  2. Hey buddy,

    This is great and I know you will be successful!


  3. This is great! Amy said I can come over at watch you do the yoga video! Can't wait!
